Postal network

During the 18th century, the postal service, limited to the carriage of official mail, was improved by the Phanariote princes who relied on it to spread the information which many times proved vital during the complicated political circumstances of the area. The route from Galaţi to Iaşi, via Bârlad, was extremely important and well provided with postal stations and horses. The service was administered by the central authorities, but its expenses were covered at a local level. In certain periods the postal system was operated by private entrepreneurs who received subsidies from the central government, which also appointed the head of the service[1].
During the Russian military occupation of 1828–1834 the postal service was once more leased to private enterprisers, the contract being granted in Moldavia to Nicolae Privileghie in 1830. The “Organic Statutes” introduced a modern organisation of this service[2], which besides mail also carried private and public money. By the middle of the century the institution was greatly improved and the transport of official mail between county capitals was carefully regulated. A modern statute was introduced in 1857, when the service was organised by western standards, with post boxes, postal stamps, trained postmen, etc. However, it was limited to the carriage of domestic correspondence and parcels, as the Austrians and Russians had parallel postal services, established with the authorisation of the Sublime Porte. A new postal law was introduced in 1865, together with a regulation of tariffs for mail and telegraph, as the two institutions had a common direction. By conventions concluded in the next decade with Austria and Russia, the Romanian postal service also undertook the carriage of international mail. The tables below show the great development of this service during late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The post office in Galaţi was one of the oldest and most important branches in Romania. By the end of the 19th century there existed 40 mail boxes placed in different areas of the city, the correspondence being collected four times a day by two postal carts[3].
Incomes of the postal–telegraph office of Galaţi, 1887–1891[4]
Year |
Post |
Telegraph |
Total |
National income |
1887–1888 |
177,323 |
152,673 |
329,996 |
3,644,640 |
1888–1889 |
181,987 |
168,067 |
350,055 |
3,780,480 |
1889–1890 |
203,748 |
196,785 |
400,553 |
5,100,000 |
1890–1891 |
201,979 |
187,576 |
389,555 |
5,300,000 |
In 1889–1890, 134,031 lei were charged for postal stamps, and the rest came from taxes on the delivery of money, parcels and orders. In the same year, the telegraph–postal office of Galaţi had total expenses amounting to 125,404 lei[5]. A Palace of the Post Office was built in 1906–1908 to host post, telegraph and telephone services, as well as the postmaster’s residence[6].
Picture The Palace of the Post Office (contemporary picture)
Domestic correspondence sent, by categories of objects, 1867–1915[7]
Year |
Total |
Letters |
Postcards |
Prints and other objects |
Tax free |
Registered correspondence |
1867 |
1,390 |
859 |
- |
- |
531 |
- |
1868 |
1,290 |
789 |
- |
- |
501 |
- |
1869 |
1,909 |
1,375 |
- |
- |
534 |
- |
1870 |
2,320 |
1,820 |
- |
- |
500 |
- |
1871 |
2,725 |
2,130 |
- |
- |
595 |
- |
1872 |
3,092 |
2,399 |
- |
- |
693 |
- |
1874 |
4,726 |
2,155 |
78 |
1,355 |
1,013 |
125 |
1875 |
5,125 |
2,281 |
101 |
1,647 |
956 |
140 |
1876 |
4,515 |
2,278 |
130 |
1,203 |
765 |
139 |
1877 |
8,104 |
3,223 |
190 |
3,487 |
955 |
249 |
1878 |
9,575 |
4,245 |
348 |
3,783 |
1,010 |
189 |
1879 |
6,441 |
3,205 |
628 |
1,292 |
1,097 |
219 |
1880 |
8,227 |
3,576 |
686 |
1,782 |
1,961 |
222 |
1881 |
9,007 |
4,104 |
700 |
2,112 |
1,847 |
244 |
1882 |
9,801 |
4,394 |
946 |
2,177 |
1,915 |
369 |
1883 |
10,267 |
4,707 |
995 |
2,199 |
1,985 |
381 |
1884 |
10,336 |
4,932 |
1,057 |
2,574 |
1,493 |
280 |
1885 |
12,816 |
5,601 |
1,295 |
3,370 |
2,052 |
498 |
1886 |
13,217 |
5,845 |
1,315 |
3,426 |
2,130 |
501 |
1887 |
13,575 |
6,021 |
1,386 |
3,351 |
2,211 |
606 |
1888 |
14,085 |
5,713 |
2,023 |
2,852 |
2,908 |
589 |
1889 |
14,944 |
6,478 |
1,901 |
3,170 |
2,798 |
597 |
1890 |
15,053 |
6,540 |
2,188 |
3,285 |
2,430 |
610 |
1891 |
17,295 |
7,438 |
2,505 |
3,691 |
2,697 |
964 |
1892 |
17,767 |
7,476 |
2,812 |
3,709 |
2,710 |
1,060 |
1893 |
22,722 |
7,870 |
6,986 |
3,895 |
2,845 |
1,126 |
1894 |
29,675 |
8,675 |
6,181 |
11,248 |
2,861 |
710 |
1895 |
41,728 |
8,271 |
6,808 |
22,412 |
3,512 |
725 |
1896 |
44,129 |
8,217 |
7,154 |
23,662 |
4,312 |
784 |
1897 |
55,622 |
10,276 |
12,259 |
26,208 |
6,012 |
867 |
1898 |
50,573 |
10,084 |
8,944 |
23,850 |
6,734 |
961 |
1899 |
55,512 |
10,372 |
8,273 |
29,221 |
6,452 |
1,194 |
1900 |
47,105 |
9,754 |
8,799 |
23,171 |
4,493 |
888 |
1901 |
43,080 |
9,062 |
9,941 |
18,166 |
5,142 |
769 |
1902 |
57,592 |
12,058 |
14,148 |
25,485 |
5,086 |
815 |
1903 |
60,678 |
12,520 |
15,270 |
25,181 |
6,623 |
1,084 |
1904 |
76,844 |
14,552 |
18,232 |
35,739 |
7,227 |
1,094 |
1905 |
192,399 |
14,688 |
20,598 |
147,619 |
8,206 |
1,288 |
1906 |
194,556 |
16,150 |
25,096 |
139,559 |
12,412 |
1,339 |
1907 |
121,266 |
15,911 |
26,461 |
69,980 |
7,152 |
1,762 |
1908 |
132,347 |
20,138 |
20,580 |
70,793 |
10,656 |
2,180 |
1909 |
126,096 |
16,436 |
26,567 |
68,719 |
12,129 |
2,245 |
1910 |
137,656 |
19,835 |
29,672 |
74,148 |
11,998 |
2,003 |
1911 |
140,389 |
19,491 |
32,682 |
72,846 |
13,187 |
2,183 |
1912 |
149,386 |
23,666 |
35,787 |
74,156 |
12,943 |
2,834 |
1913 |
171,471 |
27,367 |
38,671 |
88,608 |
15,128 |
1,697 |
1914 |
133,333 |
24,141 |
32,885 |
58,458 |
14,755 |
3,094 |
1915 |
153,626 |
26,133 |
32,082 |
77,072 |
15,628 |
2,711 |
External correspondence sent, by categories of objects, 1872–1915[8]
Year |
Total |
Simple correspondence |
Registered correspondence |
Letters |
Postcards |
Prints and other objects |
1872 |
709 |
516 |
- |
- |
193 |
1874 |
870 |
638 |
- |
141 |
91 |
1875 |
1,167 |
900 |
- |
163 |
104 |
1876 |
1,438 |
1,081 |
36 |
233 |
88 |
1877 |
2,099 |
1,654 |
53 |
278 |
114 |
1878 |
2,378 |
1,740 |
67 |
430 |
141 |
1879 |
929 |
543 |
42 |
226 |
118 |
1880 |
1,396 |
833 |
67 |
299 |
197 |
1881 |
2,160 |
1,248 |
165 |
470 |
277 |
1882 |
2,503 |
1,390 |
216 |
550 |
347 |
1883 |
2,644 |
1,591 |
193 |
536 |
324 |
1884 |
2,558 |
1,516 |
188 |
538 |
316 |
1885 |
2,488 |
1,483 |
200 |
603 |
202 |
1886 |
2,500 |
1,479 |
204 |
611 |
206 |
1887 |
2,540 |
1,497 |
204 |
631 |
208 |
1888 |
4,867 |
2,493 |
856 |
1,169 |
349 |
1889 |
4,562 |
2,379 |
792 |
1,044 |
347 |
1890 |
4,758 |
2,506 |
816 |
1,072 |
361 |
1891 |
5,626 |
2,905 |
997 |
1,307 |
417 |
1892 |
6,196 |
3,020 |
1,233 |
1,429 |
514 |
1893 |
6,509 |
3,170 |
1,294 |
1,500 |
545 |
1894 |
4,708 |
2,484 |
900 |
932 |
392 |
1895 |
5,146 |
2,796 |
936 |
1,036 |
378 |
1896 |
5,661 |
2,787 |
1,133 |
1,348 |
393 |
1897 |
6,153 |
3,072 |
1,156 |
1,461 |
464 |
1898 |
6,623 |
3,666 |
1,124 |
1,250 |
583 |
1899 |
7,082 |
3,986 |
1,214 |
1,405 |
477 |
1900 |
6,972 |
3,561 |
1,643 |
1,304 |
464 |
1901 |
7,812 |
3,945 |
1,939 |
1,497 |
431 |
1902 |
8,829 |
3,845 |
2,550 |
2,035 |
399 |
1903 |
12,412 |
5,497 |
3,780 |
2,701 |
434 |
1904 |
10,673 |
4,711 |
3,438 |
2,099 |
425 |
1905 |
12,088 |
5,661 |
3,675 |
2,273 |
479 |
1906 |
11,826 |
4,394 |
4,177 |
2,606 |
649 |
1907 |
11,365 |
4,514 |
3,846 |
2,351 |
654 |
1908 |
10,310 |
4,356 |
3,527 |
1,825 |
602 |
1909 |
9,046 |
3,879 |
2,716 |
1,834 |
617 |
1910 |
10,696 |
4,726 |
3,227 |
2,079 |
664 |
1911 |
16,532 |
7,723 |
4,913 |
3,188 |
708 |
1912 |
17,232 |
8,248 |
4,792 |
3,473 |
719 |
1913 |
13,779 |
5,920 |
4,406 |
2,599 |
854 |
1914 |
13,632 |
7,019 |
5,049 |
1,036 |
528 |
1915 |
7,053 |
2,662 |
3,152 |
837 |
402 |
External correspondence received, by categories of objects, 1872–1915
Year |
Total |
Letters |
Postcards |
Prints and objects |
Registered correspondence |
1872 |
674 |
599 |
- |
- |
75 |
1874 |
1,519 |
786 |
- |
654 |
79 |
1875 |
1,665 |
861 |
- |
721 |
83 |
1876 |
1,657 |
846 |
16 |
714 |
81 |
1877 |
1,671 |
725 |
36 |
820 |
90 |
1878 |
2,131 |
1,021 |
38 |
955 |
117 |
1879 |
1,697 |
744 |
54 |
819 |
80 |
1880 |
2,352 |
1,129 |
80 |
1,017 |
126 |
1881 |
3,104 |
1,751 |
97 |
1,100 |
156 |
1882 |
3,011 |
1,489 |
108 |
1,234 |
180 |
1883 |
3,163 |
1,528 |
112 |
1,330 |
193 |
1884 |
3,122 |
1,496 |
111 |
1,324 |
191 |
1885 |
2,945 |
1,361 |
169 |
1,250 |
165 |
1886 |
2,960 |
1,371 |
168 |
1,258 |
163 |
1887 |
3,052 |
1,440 |
172 |
1,273 |
167 |
1888 |
5,312 |
2,248 |
569 |
2,115 |
380 |
1889 |
5,121 |
2,082 |
612 |
2,038 |
389 |
1890 |
6,122 |
2,313 |
935 |
2,383 |
491 |
1891 |
6,657 |
2,297 |
1,040 |
2,775 |
545 |
1892 |
7,182 |
2,742 |
1,055 |
2,822 |
563 |
1893 |
7,536 |
2,878 |
1,103 |
2,963 |
592 |
1894 |
6,760 |
3,019 |
1,095 |
2,314 |
332 |
1895 |
6,522 |
2,794 |
698 |
2,716 |
314 |
1896 |
8,110 |
3,293 |
845 |
3,622 |
350 |
1897 |
8,144 |
3,381 |
971 |
3,354 |
438 |
1898 |
7,998 |
3,589 |
1,083 |
2,849 |
477 |
1899 |
8,264 |
4,402 |
1,471 |
1,909 |
482 |
1900 |
9,761 |
4,297 |
1,622 |
3,453 |
389 |
1901 |
7,283 |
2,878 |
1,514 |
2,468 |
423 |
1902 |
11,076 |
5,121 |
2,213 |
3,397 |
345 |
1903 |
15,162 |
6,096 |
2,882 |
5,836 |
348 |
1904 |
11,263 |
4,623 |
2,585 |
3,675 |
380 |
1905 |
13,501 |
5,521 |
3,272 |
4,345 |
363 |
1906 |
15,299 |
6,789 |
3,823 |
4,275 |
412 |
1907 |
12,571 |
5,147 |
3,065 |
3,922 |
437 |
1908 |
13,181 |
5,037 |
3,769 |
3,919 |
456 |
1909 |
12,345 |
4,887 |
2,684 |
4,298 |
476 |
1910 |
13,250 |
5,249 |
2,860 |
4,661 |
480 |
1911 |
15,223 |
6,630 |
2,914 |
4,957 |
722 |
1912 |
15,388 |
6,915 |
3,005 |
4,493 |
975 |
1913 |
15,822 |
6,282 |
3,570 |
5,235 |
735 |
1914 |
14,284 |
6,597 |
5,058 |
2,092 |
537 |
1915 |
9,749 |
3,993 |
2,513 |
2,840 |
403 |
Internal and external postal orders, 1871–1915[9]
Year |
Internal orders |
External orders |
Issued |
Issued |
Received |
Number |
Value |
Number |
Value |
Number |
Value |
Thousands |
Thousand lei |
Thousands |
Thousand lei |
Thousands |
Thousand lei |
1871 |
0,2 |
18 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1872 |
1,7 |
80 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1873 |
2,4 |
141 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1874 |
3,4 |
174 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1875 |
2,6 |
122 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1876 |
1,9 |
89 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1877 |
3,1 |
153 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1878 |
2,7 |
182 |
1879 |
1,3 |
95 |
3,5 |
504 |
0,5 |
49 |
1880 |
7,7 |
564 |
9 |
1,255 |
1,2 |
121 |
1881 |
24 |
1,426 |
13 |
1,765 |
1,4 |
124 |
1882 |
72 |
3,822 |
19 |
2,294 |
2,2 |
171 |
1883 |
104 |
5,414 |
22 |
2,424 |
3,1 |
242 |
1884 |
127 |
6,519 |
22 |
2,280 |
3,9 |
270 |
1885 |
142 |
7,142 |
22 |
2,290 |
4,3 |
317 |
1886 |
152 |
8,100 |
23 |
2,445 |
5,0 |
359 |
1887 |
174 |
9,033 |
27 |
2,625 |
6,8 |
483 |
1888 |
188 |
9,759 |
34 |
2,747 |
8,1 |
602 |
1889 |
211 |
11,215 |
52 |
3,957 |
10, 4 |
805 |
1890 |
253 |
12,499 |
66 |
4,873 |
13 |
951 |
1891 |
250 |
14,882 |
87 |
6,644 |
15 |
998 |
1892 |
283 |
14,408 |
119 |
9,939 |
17 |
1,163 |
1893 |
307 |
15,191 |
160 |
11,543 |
19 |
1,399 |
1894 |
395 |
17,561 |
198 |
12,830 |
23 |
1,384 |
1895 |
481 |
20,998 |
239 |
14,811 |
25 |
1,550 |
1896 |
516 |
22,686 |
258 |
15,258 |
27 |
1,052 |
1897 |
557 |
26,750 |
283 |
10,129 |
31 |
1,879 |
1898 |
714 |
27,939 |
297 |
17,501 |
32 |
2,128 |
1899 |
886 |
25,127 |
244 |
17,221 |
31 |
1,582 |
1900 |
664 |
27,194 |
285 |
15,779 |
57 |
2,910 |
1901 |
776 |
28,028 |
316 |
16,243 |
56 |
3,289 |
1902 |
861 |
29,256 |
360 |
16,019 |
61 |
3,506 |
1903 |
941 |
32,343 |
330 |
13,634 |
69 |
3,854 |
1904 |
936 |
31,759 |
318 |
13,415 |
70 |
3,769 |
1905 |
1,106 |
39,516 |
394 |
20,039 |
74 |
4,159 |
1906 |
1,146 |
43,593 |
375 |
27,919 |
79 |
4,546 |
1907 |
1,396 |
51,476 |
372 |
31,676 |
78 |
4,720 |
1908 |
1,260 |
56,496 |
351 |
26,698 |
77 |
4,255 |
1909 |
1,579 |
61,738 |
377 |
20,161 |
82 |
5,083 |
1910 |
1,692 |
67,428 |
389 |
22,039 |
83 |
5,184 |
1911 |
1,729 |
68,386 |
392 |
21,782 |
89 |
5,584 |
1912 |
1,821 |
78,838 |
411 |
24,490 |
86 |
5,608 |
1913 |
1,944 |
81,305 |
416 |
30,952 |
98 |
5,006 |
1914 |
1,915 |
99,454 |
265 |
18,305 |
52 |
3,838 |
1915 |
1,058 |
80,322 |
27 |
3,011 |
24 |
1,413 |
Postal staff, by categories, 1888-1915[10]
Year |
Total |
Higher staff |
Lower staff |
Postmen, postal agents |
1888 |
1,474 |
727 |
747 |
- |
1889 |
1,474 |
727 |
747 |
- |
1890 |
2,333 |
760 |
794 |
779 |
1891 |
2,935 |
761 |
998 |
1,176 |
1892 |
4,912 |
791 |
1,049 |
3,072 |
1893 |
5,877 |
1025 |
1,262 |
3,590 |
1894 |
6,170 |
1149 |
1,395 |
3,626 |
1895 |
6,284 |
1274 |
1,405 |
3,605 |
1896 |
6,071 |
1287 |
1,438 |
3,346 |
1897 |
6,245 |
1351 |
1,443 |
3,451 |
1898 |
6,457 |
1517 |
1,483 |
3,457 |
1899 |
7,076 |
1441 |
1,481 |
4,154 |
1900 |
6,711 |
1433 |
1,491 |
3,787 |
1901 |
6,922 |
1,408 |
1,542 |
3,972 |
1902 |
6,886 |
1,413 |
1,560 |
3,913 |
1903 |
6,956 |
1,441 |
1,602 |
3,913 |
1904 |
6,954 |
1,442 |
1,604 |
3,908 |
1905 |
7,179 |
1,475 |
1,788 |
3,916 |
1906 |
7,459 |
1,731 |
1,855 |
3,873 |
1907 |
8,326 |
1,944 |
1,844 |
4,538 |
1908 |
8,612 |
2,399 |
2,055 |
4,158 |
1909 |
8,697 |
2,391 |
2,199 |
4,107 |
1910 |
8,713 |
2,406 |
2,206 |
4,101 |
1911 |
8,934 |
2,411 |
2,594 |
3,929 |
1912 |
9,187 |
2,406 |
2,743 |
4,008 |
1913 |
9,968 |
2,685 |
3,016 |
4,267 |
1914 |
9,584 |
2,617 |
2,607 |
4,360 |
1915 |
9,675 |
2,635 |
2,675 |
4,365 |
[1] Enciclopedia României, vol. IV, Economia naţională. Circulaţie, distribuţie şi consum, edited by Dimitrie Gusti at alii(Bucharest: Imprimeria Naţională, 1943), 139–140; Andrei Oţetea, Pătrunderea comerţului românesc în circuitul internaţional (în perioada de trecere de la feudalism la capitalism) (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1977), 144–152.
[2] Tezaur documentar gălăţean, edited by Cezar Bejan, Alexandru Duţă, Stelian Iordache, Viorica Solomon (Bucharest: Direcţia Generală a Arhivelor Statului, 1988), 72, 125; Paul Păltănea, Istoria oraşului Galaţi de la origini până la 1918, second edition, edited by Eugen Drăgoi (Galaţi: Editura Partener, 2008), vol. II, 41–42, 44, 132.
[3] Moise N. Pacu, Cartea judeţului Covurluiu. Note geografice, istorice şi în deosebi statistice, (Bucharest: Stabilimentul Grafic I. V. Socecu, 1891), 273–275.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Valentin Bodea, Monumente istorice şi de arhitectură din oraşul Galaţi din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea – prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea (Galaţi: Pax Aura Mundi, 2011), vol. 2, 83–92.
[7] Victor Axenciuc, Evoluţia economică a României. Cercetări statistico–istorice, 1859–1947, vol. I, Industria (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 1992), 368–369 (Table 339: Domestic correspondence sent, by categories of objects, during the period 1867–1938).
[8] Ibid., 370–371 (Table 340: External postal correspondence sent, by categories of objects, during the period 1872–1938).
[9] Ibid., 372–373 (Table 342: Postal orders, internal and external, during the period 1871–1944).
[10] Ibid., 376–377 (Table 346: Postal staff, by categories, during the period 1888–1915).
Archival sources:
Serviciul Judeţean Galaţi al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Galaţi Branch), Primăria oraşului Galaţi (The Municipality of Galaţi), files starting with 1831.
Axenciuc, Victor, Evoluţia economică a României. Cercetări statistico–istorice, 1859–1947, vol. I, Industria [Romania’s Economic Evolution. Statistical–Historical Researches, 1859–1947, vol. I, The Industry] (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 1992).
Bodea, Valentin, Monumente istorice şi de arhitectură din oraşul Galaţi din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea – prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea [Historical and Architectural Monuments from the City of Galaţi in the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries], vol. 2 (Galaţi: Pax Aura Mundi, 2011).
Enciclopedia României, vol. IV, Economia naţională. Circulaţie, distribuţie şi consum [Romania’s Encyclopedia, vol. IV, The National Economy. Circulation, Distribution and Consumption], edited by Dimitrie Gusti at alii(Bucharest: Imprimeria Naţională, 1943).
Oţetea, Andrei, Pătrunderea comerţului românesc în circuitul internaţional (în perioada de trecere de la feudalism la capitalism) [The Coming of the Romanian Trade in the International Circuit (During the Period from Feudalism to Capitalism] (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1977).
Pacu, Moise N., Cartea Judeţului Covurlui. Note geografice, istorice şi în deosebi statistice [The Book of Covurlui County. Geographical, Historical and Mainly Statistical Notes] (Bucharest: Stabilimentul Grafic I. V. Socecu, 1891).
Păltănea, Paul, Istoria oraşului Galaţi de la origini până la 1918 [The History of Galaţi from Its Beginnings to 1918], second edition, edited by Eugen Drăgoi (Galaţi: Editura Partener, 2008).
Tezaur documentar gălăţean [Tresure of Documents on Galaţi], edited by Cezar Bejan, Alexandru Duţă, Stelian Iordache, Viorica Solomon (Bucharest: Direcţia Generală a Arhivelor Statului, 1988).