Εθνοτική σύνθεση πληθυσμού
Available data is generally conflicting and unclear, also due to the manner in which such censuses were made, and to the fact that general totals rarely match the sums of all categories of population. In terms of these sources, they sometimes refer to citizenship and otherwise to ethnicity. Thus, the best source available, the official census for 1899, records citizenship, allowing no entries for categories such as the Jews or Armenians. In the category Turks (Ottomans) I have included the Turks and the Tartars, which in some statistics appear separate, whereas in others they are combined together.
Year |
Total Population |
Romanians |
Greeks |
Jews |
Bulgarians |
Russians |
Germans |
Serbians |
Gipsies |
Lipovans |
Albanians |
Polish |
Armenians |
English |
French |
Italians |
Tartars |
Hungarians |
Turks (Ottomans) |
Austrian–Hungarian |
Other |
1880 [1] |
5,203 |
279 |
1,543 |
234 |
348 |
8 |
29 |
3 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
175 |
32 |
– |
– |
– |
12 |
2,214 |
37 |
248 |
1894 [2] |
10,419 |
2,519 |
2,460 |
855 |
1,060 |
33 |
331 |
4 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
559 |
45 |
51 |
109 |
– |
181 |
2,202 |
– |
9 |
1899 [3] |
14,653 |
9,272 |
883 |
– |
188 |
70 |
137 |
10 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
50 |
56 |
349 |
– |
– |
2,871 |
520 |
247 |
1902 [4] |
13,385 |
7,367 |
1,133 |
– |
335 |
66 |
132 |
32 |
– |
- |
– |
– |
45 |
36 |
177 |
– |
– |
3,096 |
920 |
40 |
1902 [5] |
13,385 |
4,365 |
2,661 |
1,059 |
658 |
72 |
405 |
34 |
447 |
9 |
347 |
57 |
1,164 |
47 |
30 |
191 |
1,111 |
– |
477 |
226 |
25 |
1905 [6] |
15,777 |
9,165 |
2,327 |
812 |
831 |
– |
309 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
610 |
105 |
95 |
217 |
– |
– |
1,315 |
– |
– |
1916 [7] |
33,918 |
21,971 |
2,326 |
1,092 |
1,728 |
– |
642 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
1,002 |
649 |
175 |
518 |
– |
– |
2,815 |
– |
– |
[1] Simion Tavitian, Armenii dobrogeni în istoria şi civilizaţia românilor (Constanţa: Ex Ponto, 2003), 28; Doina Păuleanu, Constanţa. Spectacolul modernităţii târzii. 1878–1928, (Constanţa: Muzeului de Artă Constanţa, 2005), vol. I, 87; Florin Stan. “Ethnic Communities from the Pontic Space. Jews from Constanţa (I)”, Anuarul Muzeului Marinei Române, 8 (2005), 225.
[2] M. D. Ionescu, Cercetări asupra oraşului Constanţa. Geografie şi istorie (Bucharest: Tipografia şi Fonderia de litere Thoma Basilescu, 1897), 88; Tavitian, Armenii, 28; Stan, “Ethnic Communities”, 225.
[3] Leonida Colescu, Recesământul general al populaţiunei României: Rezultate definitive precedate de o introducţiune cu explicaţiuni şi date comparative (Bucharest: Institutul de Arte Grafice Eminescu, 1905), 89.
[4] Păuleanu, Constanţa. Aventura unui proiect european (Constanţa: Ex Ponto, 2003), 19; Eadem, Spectacolul, I, 88.
[5]Situaţiunea generală a judeţului Constanţa la începutul anului 1903. Expunere întocmită de Scarlat Vârnav (Constanţa: Tipografia Aurora, 1904), 20–21.
[6] Tavitian, Armenii, 29; Stan, “Ethnic Communities”, 230.
[7] Tavitian, Armenii, 29; Stan, “Ethnic Communities”, 230.