Hospitals-Sanatoriums- Baths

Descriptions of hospitals

Descriptions of sanatoriums
Descriptions of baths
*Ph.D. (History Lecturer) , 19 Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey
There was a number of old baths (hammams) existing in Sinop. The important ones that have remained to the present day are the following:
Pervane Hammam (Aşağı Hammam)
The year of built of this hammam currently located in Cami-i Kebir Neighborhood is uncertain. It has the characteristics of Ottoman architecture and is positioned north-south [1]. It is spread over a wide area with its annexes and is domes, vaulted and tiled. Rubble stone has been used at the main hall, the changing hall and the furnace area and cut stone has been used in some other areas. A rectangle shaped, wide landing covered with a barrel vault is present between the warm section and the changing hall in the direction of south-north. This area is the cold section. There are restrooms next to the cold section [2].
Alâeddin Hammam (Yukarı Hammam)
The Alâeddin Hammam was built by Pervâne Muinüddin Süleyman in 1268. This hammam is also near to Alâeddin Mosque at Cami-i Kebir Neighborhood [3]. The hammam has a changing section with a wooden ceiling. This section leads to a 4x2.60 meter sized cold section through a door on the right. Through the cold section covered with a vault, comes a 4x5.50 meter washing space. There is a dome in the middle of this section. On the right, there is a 9x4.60 meter sized, domed and vaulted private room, and another private room on the back through this section. These are also domed. Rubble stone has been used as the construction material of the hammam [4].
Varoş (Yalı) Hammam
It is said that this hammam was built by İbrahim Bey from Candaroğulları Principality [5]. Today, it is located on the road to Rıza Nur Library at Yeni Mahalle. The rectangle shaped hammam is angled towards outside. The furnace section has a flat roof. The courtyard which is on higher ground has an open roof. The exteriors are plated with cut stones. And interior walls consist of bricks and rubbles. Exterior walls of the structure are plated and decorated with plain cut stones. Rubble stones along with some collected marble pieces can be seen on some parts. The upper structure is engraved with khorasan and is walled with seven domes; there is a big dome in the middle, five domes on five sides of the upper structure which are relatively smaller, and another small dome is on the southeast side. The hammam is a nine domed structure including two domes over the vaults. The changing room or the roof of the forecourt has been destroyed due to its wooden roof. The changing yard is separated from the main structure. There is no connection between these two sections on the north side. The furnace located at the west side has an arched door covered with bricks which reaches from the floor to the roof on the outside [6].
[1] Sinop Tarihi ve Kültür Envanteri, Sinop Valiliği İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü Yay, Sinop 2013, p.12.
[2] Hüseyin Hilmi, Sinop Kitabeleri, Sinop 1339, pp.136-137.
[3] Bekir Başoğlu, Sinop İli Tarihi, Ayyıldız Matbaası, Ankara 1978, s.100.
[4] Deniz Esemenli, Sinop İli Türk Dönemi Mimarisi, (Phd Thesis, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, I Section, İstanbul 1990), pp.136-137.
[5] Ibid Bekir Başoğlu, s.125.
[6] Ibid Deniz Esemenli, s.138.