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Banks    EN

History of banks EN



Bank name





Ottoman Bank


The branch of Galaţi opened in 1856


Prussian Bank


The branch of Galaţi opened in 1856


National Bank of Moldavia



The National Bank

The Romanian state, different shareholders

12,000,000 lei (in 1908)

The branch of Galaţi opened in 1881


The Economy House

The Romanian State

A branch at Galaţi

1889, 1913

The Romanian Bank


A branch at Galaţi

1892, 1898

The Discount Bank


3,500,000 lei

(in 1908)

The branch of Galaţi was operational in 1908


The Agricultural Bank


7,938,125 lei

(in 1908)

The branch of Galaţi was operational in 1908


The Marmorosch, Blank & Co. Bank

Isac Marmorosch, M. Blank, with capitals from Hungarian and German banks

12,500,000 lei (in 1912)

The branch of Galaţi was opened in 1913


The Bank of Romanian Credit

Th. Jeschek, Paul Chatinel, Austrian capital

5,000,000 lei

(in 1908)

It merged with Dickin & Co in 1908 and operated the branch of Galaţi


Dickin & Co.

Glücklich Dickin & Co, with Austrian capital

2,000,000 lei

(in 1908)

The branch of Galaţi was operational in 1908


The Romanian Commercial Bank

Shareholders, European capital

12,000,000 lei (in 1908)

The branch of Galaţi opened in 1907


The Bank of Commerce and Agriculture




The Commercial Bank





Archival sources:

Serviciul Judeţean Galaţi al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Galaţi Branch), Primăria oraşului Galaţi (The Municipality of Galaţi), files starting with 1831.


Angelescu, Const. C., “Primele încercări de a înfiinţa instituţii de credit în Moldova” [The First Attempts to Establish Credit Institutions in Moldavia], SCS, History, 14:2 (1963).

Angelescu, Constantin C., “Creditul in Moldova de la 1848 la 1864” [The Credit in Moldavia from 1848 to 1864], in Dezvoltarea economiei Moldovei intre anii 1848 şi 1864. Contribuţii [The Development of Moldavia’s Economy between the Years 1848 and 1864. Contributions] (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Române, 1963).

Anuarul Statistic al României, 1915–1916 [The Statistical Yearbook of Romania, 1915–1916] (Bucharest: Tipografia Regală F. Göbl Fii, 1919).

Axenciuc, Victor, Evoluţia economică a României. Cercetări statistico–istorice, 1859–1947, vol. III, Monedă – Credit – Comerţ – Finanţe publice [Romania’s Economic Evolution. Statistical–Historical Researches, 1859–1947, vol. III, Currency – Credit – Trade – Public Finance] (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 2000).

Băicoianu, C. I., Istoria politicei noastre monetara şi a Băncii naţionale, 1880–1914 [The History of Our Monetary Policy and of the National Bank, 1880–1914], (Bucharest, Imprimeria Naţională, 1932).

Bodea, Valentin, Monumente istorice şi de arhitectură din oraşul Galaţi din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea – prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea [Historical and Architectural Monuments from the City of Galaţi from the Second Half of the 19th Century – the First Half of the 20th Century], vol. 3 (Galaţi: Pax Aura Mundi, 2014).

Buşe, Constantin, Comerţul exterior prin Galaţi sub regimul de port franc (1837–1883) [The Foreign Trade through Galaţi under the Regime of Free Port (1837–1883)] (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, 1976).

Casias, B., Instituţiunile de credit. Rolul şi importanţa lor. Imprumutul naţional [The Credit Institutions. Their Role and Importance. The National Loan] (Bucharest: Tip. Idealul, 1918).

Dragomirescu, Toma, Istoricul băncilor din România şi al tuturor instituţiunilor de credit şi societăţi de asigurări, urmat de o statistică generală [The History of Banks in Romania and of All Credits Institutions and Insurance Companies, Followed by a General Statistics] (Bucharest: Speranţa, Institut de Arte Grafice, 1908).

Pacu, Moise N., Cartea Judeţului Covurlui. Note geografice, istorice şi în deosebi statistice [The Book of Covurlui County. Geographical, Historical and Mainly Statistical Notes] (Bucharest: Stabilimentul Grafic I. V. Socecu, 1891).

Păltănea, Paul, Istoria oraşului Galaţi de la origini până la 1918 [The History of Galaţi from Its Beginnings to 1918], second edition, edited by Eugen Drăgoi (Galaţi: Editura Partener, 2008).

Prefectura Poliţiei Galaţi, Indicatorul oraşului Galaţi, cuprinzând adresele tuturor autorităţilor civile şi militare, ale caselor mari comerciale şi ale tuturor instituţiunilor etc. etc. [The Indicator of Galaţi City, Containing the Addresses of All Civil and Military Authorities, of the Large Commercial Houses and of All Institutions etc.] (Galaţi: s.e, s.a).

Slăvescu, V., Băncile comerciale mijlocii din România [The Middle Commercial Banks in Romania] (Bucharest: Atelierele Grafice Universala, 1915).

Statutele Băncei de comerţ şi agricultură, societate anonimă [The Statutes of the Bank of Trade and Agriculture] (Galaţi: Stabilimentul de Arte Grafice “Moldova”, 1912).

Statutele societăţii cooperative de credit economic etc. “Zimbrul” din Galaţi [The Statutes of the “Zimbrul” Cooperative Company of Economic Credit] (Galaţi: Tipografia “Buciumul Român”, 1902).

Tezaur documentar gălăţean [Tresure of Documents on Galaţi], edited by Cezar Bejan, Alexandru Duţă, Stelian Iordache, Viorica Solomon (Bucharest: Direcţia Generală a Arhivelor Statului, 1988).
