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Descriptions of sanatoriums    EN


There were no proper sanatoriums in Galaţi during this period, and patients with mental issues and with pulmonary tuberculosis were cured in the same medical establishments. By the early 1900s, the sanitary authorities founded the Isolation Hospital and the TB Hospital referred to in the previous template, but their capacity did not allow for receiving too many patients.



Official site of the Hospital of Infectious Diseases

Official site of the Hospital of Psychiatric Diseases

Official site of the Hospital of Pneumophtisiology

Archival sources:

Serviciul Judeţean Galaţi al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Galaţi Branch), Primăria oraşului Galaţi (The Municipality of Galaţi), files starting with 1831.


Pacu, Moise N., Cartea Judeţului Covurlui. Note geografice, istorice şi în deosebi statistice [The Book of Covurlui County. Geographical, Historical and Mainly Statistical Notes] (Bucharest: Stabilimentul Grafic I. V. Socecu, 1891).

Păltănea, Paul, “Contribuţii la istoria spitalelor din Galaţi până la 1918” [Contributions to the History of Hospitals in Galaţi until 1918], Danubius, 26 (2008), 53–76.

Păltănea, Paul, Istoria oraşului Galaţi de la origini până la 1918 [The History of Galaţi from Its Beginnings to 1918], second edition, edited by Eugen Drăgoi (Galaţi: Editura Partener, 2008).
