Governors-Mayors-Port Masters

Governors of a town
Port masters
Mayors of Galaţi
After the imposition of the Organic Regulation in 1832, the town of Galaţi was administered by an “Urban Ephorate” (Eforie orăşenească), composed of three members, supported by a secretary and two civil servants. These members were elected for a term of one year and were not remunerated. There are no complete series of who these magistrates were, and available sourced only refer to some of the most important of these officials.
By the “Communal Law” of 1864, the municipal administration was led by a “Communal Council” (Consiliu communal), and the actual management was entrusted to a mayor (primar). During the next half a century, almost forty persons held this public dignity, and their terms greatly depended on the political party that led the Romanian government[1].
1 |
Ion Vizzu, school teacher |
1864–1866 |
2 |
Rufu Mantu, merchant |
1866–1868 |
3 |
Procopie S. Sgrumala, teacher |
1868–1869 |
4 |
Iancu Panaitescu |
1869–1870 |
5 |
P. Zamaria, merchant |
1870–1871 |
6 |
Alexandri D. Moruzi, rural proprietor |
1871–1873 |
7 |
Petrache Botzan |
1873–1874 |
8 |
Gheorghe Volenti |
1874–1875 |
9 |
Ștefan V. Nenițescu, merchant |
1876 |
10 |
Gheorghe P. Mantu, merchant |
1876–1880 |
11 |
Costache Vârlan, lawyer |
1880–1881 |
12 |
Dumitru Vizzu, doctor |
1881–1882 |
13 |
Gheorghe Mihăilescu, teacher |
1883 |
14 |
Gheorghe Fulger, rural proprietor and merchant |
1883–1884 |
15 |
Gheorghe N. Cavalioti, lawyer and urban proprietor |
1884–1885 |
16 |
Andreiaș Panaitescu, fiscal preceptor |
1885 |
17 |
Costin Vârlan, lawyer |
1885 |
18 |
Nicolae Hagi Nicola, merchant |
1885–1886 |
19 |
Constantin A. Ressu, lawyer |
1886–1887 |
20 |
Nicolae Hagi Nicola, merchant |
1887 |
21 |
Timeoleon Nebunelli, book seller |
1887–1888 |
22 |
Constantin A. Ressu, lawyer |
1888–1891 |
23 |
Gheorghe C. Robescu |
1891–1892 |
24 |
Stavru Mantu, urban proprietor |
1892 |
25 |
Virgil G. Poienaru, lawyer |
1892–1894 |
26 |
Constantin A. Ressu, lawyer |
1894–1895 |
27 |
Simion Hociung, lawyer |
1895 |
28 |
Costache P. Malaxa, rural proprietor |
1895–1896 |
29 |
Gheorghe Nicolescu, lawyer |
1896 |
30 |
Costache G. Plesnilă, lawyer |
1896–1898 |
31 |
Constantin Ținc, pharmacist |
1898 |
32 |
Mihail G. Orleanu, lawyer |
1898–1899 |
33 |
Zaharia Chiriac, lawyer |
1899 |
34 |
Gheorghe Leonida Aslan, lawyer |
1899–1901 |
35 |
Mihail G. Orleanu, lawyer |
1901–1902 |
36 |
Ion T. Bastache, lawyer |
1902–1904 |
37 |
Constantin Ținc, pharmacist |
1904 |
38 |
Alexandru Nicolescu, teacher |
1905 |
39 |
Emil Vulpe, lawyer |
1905–1907 |
40 |
Gheorghe N. Gamulea, lawyer |
1907–1909 |
41 |
Pandele Pantelimon D. Petrovici, teacher |
1909–1911 |
42 |
Costache G. Plesnilă, lawyer |
1911 |
43 |
Alexandru G. Nicolescu, teacher |
1911–1912 |
44 |
Nicolae Filipide, teacher |
1912–1914 |
45 |
August Frățilă, teacher |
1914 |
46 |
Constantin Ținc, pharmacist |
1914–1917 |
Alexandru D. Moruzi
Alexandru Dimitrie Moruzi was born on 30 March 1815 at Constantinople, in the family of a former hospodar of the Danubian Principalities. He lived in Moldavia, at the family’s estate from Pechea, where he was greatly involved in agricultural business. During the 1830s and 1840s, he was a critic of the political regime in the country, and was arrested in March 1848 for taking part in an attempt to start a revolution in the capital city of Iaşi. He held several offices at Galaţi during the 1850s and contributed to the embellishment of the city. Moruzi was also a member of the Moldavian Parliament, supporting the political views of the great conservative land owners. During the 1870s he was an MP in Bucharest, but his most prodigious activity took place during the period (1871–1873) when he was elected mayor of Galaţi. He was especially interested in the development of the local harbour, where stone quays, platforms and magazines were built. He drafted the first systematisation plan of the city, with straight and wide streets, squares and public gardens. He also initiated the programme of paving the main streets and of establishing modern services of sewage, lighting and water supply[2].
Constantin A. Ressu
Born on 5 November 1843 at Cărăpceşti, Tutova County, he studied at a primary school in Bârlad and at a high school in Iaşi. He took juridical courses at the universities of Iaşi and Brussels and in 1873 defended a PhD in law. After he returned to Romania, he was employed as lawyer, prosecuting attorney and judge in different areas of the country, including at Galaţi, where he settled himself. He also followed a political career and joined the conservative party, being elected an MP in the Lower House of the Romanian Parliament. He held several dignities at a local level, including that of mayor for four different terms (November 1886 – March 1887, August 1888 – September 1890, September 1890 – February 1891, September 1894 – July 1865). His name is related to important accomplishments, such as the modernisation, paving and embellishment of the central streets and public squares of Galaţi (Domnească Street, Negri Square), the extension and improvement of the municipal parks, the introduction of gas lighting, the construction of schools etc. He also greatly supported the development of the local industry and culture[3].
Mihail G. Orleanu
He was born at Focşani on 20 November 1859 and after graduating from the Academic Institute in Iaşi (1876) also studied at Paris, where he defended a PhD in law in 1881. After returning to Romania, Orleanu was employed as prosecuting attorney and judge at different local courts, including the appellative court of Galaţi (1887–1889). He was married to Valentina Gheorghiadis, who inherited the large fortune of her father (Gheorghe Gheorghiadis). Orleanu chose a political career with the Liberal Party and in 1895 was elected MP in the Lower House of the Parliament. He was mayor of Galaţi for two terms (November 1898 – April 1899 and April 1901 – November 1902). He later held high offices in the central administration, including the offices of Minister of Industry and Trade and president of the Chamber of Deputies. As mayor of Galaţi, he contributed to the development of the city by investing in the pavement of streets and in the restoration of schools, but also by the development of tramway routes and the extension of the water system to the peripheral areas[4].
Costache G. Plesnilă
Costache G. Plesnilă had a similar professional and political career as those presented above: he was attorney prosecutor in different areas of Romania, including at Galaţi. He was a member of the Conservative Party and held the office of mayor of Galaţi twice (December 1896 – March 1898 and January – March 1911). He was a great supporter of building new schools and of paving the streets[5].
Constantin Ţinc
He was born at Giurgiu in 1857. After completing the compulsory education Ţinc was employed apprentice at a pharmacy in Bucharest (1876) and then graduated from the University of Bucharest. In 1886 he moved to Galaţi as a pharmacist, and as a supporter of the Liberal Party was for several terms local councillor and member of the Romanian Parliament (1907–1911). Ţinc was mayor of Galaţi for three terms (March – November 1898, September – December 1904 and March 1914 – October 1917). The main accomplishments of his terms were the construction of the city beltway, the pavement of streets, the modernisation of parks, and the restoration of schools[6].
Prefects of Covurlui
The general administration of the county and the direct representation of the central government at a local level were entrusted to a magistrate called prefect[7]:
1 |
Al. Cantacuziono |
1860–1861 |
2 |
G. Răşcanu |
1861–1862 |
3 |
I. A. Cantacuzino |
1862 |
4 |
Leon Ghica |
1862–1864 |
5 |
V. Romalo |
1864–1865 |
6 |
G. Răşcanu |
1865–1866 |
7 |
Nicu Alcaz |
1866 |
8 |
G. Răşcanu |
1867 |
9 |
M. Buzdugan |
1867 |
10 |
Matei Rosetti |
1867 |
11 |
Alecu Lupaşcu |
1867–1868 |
12 |
Nicu Catargiu |
1868–1870 |
13 |
G. Emandi |
1871–1872 |
14 |
N. Catargiu |
1872–1876 |
15 |
G. Răşcanu |
1876–1883 |
16 |
C. Christodulo Cerchez |
1883 |
17 |
C. Cotescu |
1883 |
18 |
I. Urlăţeanu |
1884 |
19 |
G. Răşcanu |
1884–1885 |
20 |
Lupu Costachi |
1885–1886 |
21 |
Ion Gh. Theodorescu |
1886–1887 |
22 |
Epaminonda Peride |
1887–1888 |
23 |
Dumitru Gh. Rosetti |
1888 |
24 |
C. Merişescu |
1888–1889 |
25 |
Scarlat Scheletti |
1889–1890 |
26 |
M. C. Deşliu |
1890–1891 |
27 |
Vasiliu Gh. Poenaru |
1891–1892 |
28 |
Gh. Iamandi |
1892 |
29 |
George Şuţu |
1893–1894 |
30 |
Gheorghe Robescu |
1894–1895 |
31 |
Gh. Antachi |
1895 |
32 |
Petre Th. Schiari |
1895–1896 |
33 |
Emil Culoglu |
1896–1897 |
34 |
Dănilă D. Zorilă |
1897–1899 |
35 |
Sebastian Moruzi |
1899–1900 |
36 |
Mihai Cupşa |
1900–1901 |
37 |
Ioan C. Atanasiu |
1901–1903 |
38 |
Emil Vulpe |
1903–1905 |
39 |
Grigore Ciuntu |
1905–1907 |
40 |
Ioan C. Atanasiu |
1907–1908 |
41 |
Alexandru Gusi |
1908–1910 |
42 |
Emil Vulpe |
1911 |
43 |
Dumitru Hagi Anton |
1911–1912 |
44 |
Ion Bastachi |
1912–1914 |
45 |
Alexandru Gusi |
1914–1916 |
Picture 1.3_1 Alexandru Moruzi
Picture 1.3_2 Constantin Ressu
Picture 1.3_3 Mihail Orleanu
[1] The list was compiled and corrected with the support of two students, Nicu Diaconu and Vasile Gheorghe; a list also in Moise N. Pacu, Cartea judeţului Covurluiu. Note geografice, istorice şi în deosebi statistice (Bucharest: Stabilimentul Grafic I. V. Socecu, 1891), 302–303 and George Munteanu, Galaţi, part II, 1900–1938, Oameni în presă, literatură, comerţ, etc. (Galaţi: Tipografia Eminescu, 1938], 61–62.
[2] For his activity, cf. Victor Slăvescu, Vieata şi opera economistului Alexandru D. Moruzi 1815–1878 (Bucharest: Imprimeria Naţională, 1941), 9–12; Cultura, ştiinţa şi arta în judeţul Galaţi, edited by Nedelcu Oprea, Ion Petrulias, Gheorghe Hîncu (Galaţi: s.e., 1973), 184–185;
[3] Corneliu Stoica, “Constantin Ressu”, in vol. Întâlniri confortante (Galaţi: Sinteze, 2007), 8–13;
[4] Ilie Zanfir, Pompiliu Comşa, Galaţi. Ghid turistic (Galaţi: Editura Axis Libri, 2011), 40–41; Săndel Dumitru, Liberalii gălăţeni (Brăila: Editura Istros, 2012), 318–324.
[5] Zanfir, Comşa, Galaţi, 38–39.
[6] Dumitru, Liberalii, 428–429.
[7] Pacu, Cartea¸ 318.
A list of all mayors, with errors:
Official site of the “V. A. Urechia” Library, with an online catalogue and further sources
Official site of the Municipality of Galaţi
Official site of the prefecture of Galaţi
Archival sources:
Serviciul Judeţean Galaţi al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Galaţi Branch), Primăria oraşului Galaţi (The Municipality of Galaţi), files starting with 1831.
Serviciul Judeţean Galaţi al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Galaţi Branch), Prefectura Judeţului Covurlui (The Prefecture of Covurlui County), files starting with 1848.
Biblioteca Judeţeană “V. A. Urechea”, Oameni în memoria Galaţiului, Aniversări 2010 [The “V. A. Urechia” Departmental Library of Galaţi, Personalities in the Memory of Galaţi. 2010 Anniversaries] (Galaţi: Editura Axis Libri, 2011).
Biblioteca Judeţeană “V. A. Urechea”, Oameni în memoria Galaţiului, Aniversări 2011 [The “V. A. Urechia” Departmental Library of Galaţi, Personalities in the Memory of Galaţi. 2011 Anniversaries] (Galaţi: Editura Axis Libri, 2013).
Cultura, ştiinţa şi arta în judeţul Galaţi [Culture, Science and Arts in Galaţi County], edited by Nedelcu Oprea, Ion Petrulias, Gheorghe Hîncu (Galaţi: s.e., 1973).
Dumitru, Săndel, Liberalii gălăţeni [The Liberals of Galaţi] (Brăila: Editura Istros, 2012).
Pacu, Moise N., Cartea Judeţului Covurlui. Note geografice, istorice şi în deosebi statistice [The Book of Covurlui County. Geographical, Historical and Mainly Statistical Notes] (Bucharest: Stabilimentul Grafic I. V. Socecu, 1891).
Zanfir Ilie, Comşa, Pompiliu, Galaţi. Ghid turistic [Galaţi. Touristic guidebook] (Galaţi: Editura Axis Libri, 2011).