
It is not possible, according to Romanian statistics, to divide the foreign trade by export and import companies. Available sources refer to some of the larger traders, but more information on their activity is scarce, if available at all.
Thus, among the large importers of colonial goods there were: Hroni Ermide, Dumitru Petru, the Gheorghiade Brothers, Nisim Erusalmi, Dimitrie Calderimi, Spiro Deamandopulo, P. Columundra, Solomon Mougubi, Solomon Iaphet, Gheorghe Sapatino, Pandele Astras etc. Among the main exporters of grain there were Alexandru Cosma, Panait Macri, I. Psarafti, V. P. Mourelis, Spiru Deamandopol, Alexandru Cicilianopol, Gheorghe C. Rondos, Simion Leventon, the Manisalian brothers, Gheorghe C. Garopol, Iosef Aslan, the Erusalmis, Mordu Seni, Osman Halil etc. Small ware products were sold by Haim Erusalmi and the Zambaccian family, whereas textiles were imported by Solomon Iaphet, Hristo Violato, Panait C. Conţea, the Frenchian family, Agop Zambaccian, Dicran Merdenian, the Lascaride family, Ion Filip etc. Luxury furniture was imported by Haim Birinfeld and Marcu Birinfeld, Pandele Ciorapci, Decram and Misac Locmanian, Vasile Toma, the Gheorghiade brothers [1].
[1] Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale, Primaria municipiului Constanţa, File 6/1900, 6, 9, 12; File 17/1903, 5–9.
Archival sources:
Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Constanţa Branch), Primăria municipiului Constanţa (The Municipality of Constanţa), files 6/1900 and 17/1903.
Cojoc, Mariana , Constanţa – port internaţional. Comerţ exterior al României prin portul Constanţa 1878–1939 [Constanţa – International Port. Romania’s Foreign Trade through the Port of Constanţa 1878–1939] (Bucharest: Cartea Universitară, 2006).