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Synagogues    EN

History of synagogues EN


Name of synagogue

Dates of establishment


Photo / picture

Sephardic Temple

1866, 1903–1905

Mircea St.

Ashkenazi Synagogue

1872, 1910–1914

C. A. Rosetti St.


Archival sources:

Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale [The National Archives, Constanţa Branch], Fond Comunitatea Evreilor din Constanţa [The Jewish Community of Constanţa], files starting with 1868.

Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Constanţa Branch), Primăria municipiului Constanţa (The Municipality of Constanţa), files starting with 1878.


Dobrogea între medieval și modern, 1406–1918 [Dobrudja between Medieval and Modern, 1406–1918], edited by Virgil Coman, Carmen Dobrotă, Claudia Turcitu (Constanța: Ex Ponto, 2008).

Ionescu, Th., Duployen, I. N., Constanţa şi Techirghiol. Ghid ilustrat [Constanţa and Techirghiol. Illustrated Guidebook] (Constanţa: Institutul Grafic Albania, 1924).

Rădulescu, Adrian, Lascu, Stoica, Haşotti, Puiu, Ghid de oraş. Constanţa [City Guidebook. Constanţa] (Bucharest: Sport Turism, 1985).

Stan, Florin, “Ethnic Communities from the Pontic Space. Jews from Constanta (I)”, Anuarul Muzeului Marinei Române, 8 (2005), 223–235

Stan, Florin, “Evreii din Constanta” [The Jews from Constanţa], Cumidava, 29 (2007), 229–241.

Stan, Florin, “Sinopticum. Din trecutul celor de lângă noi. Incursiuni în istoria comunităţilor etnice dobrogene” [Sinopticum. From the Past of Those Next to Us. Incurssions in the History of the Ethnic Communities from Dobrudja]”, in Tomis , 1–5 (2008), 71–74, 68–70, 71–74, 83–85, 84–86.
