Bulgarian community

The Bulgarian community had a church since 1879, but it was considered as small and inappropriate for the needs of the growing number of Bulgarians settled at Constanţa (348 in 1880, 1,060 in 1894 and 831 in 1905). The president of the community was Ivanciu Hagi Stoian, who got the permission from the Bishopric of the Lower Danube to build a church in 1898. It was already completed by 1907, with a painting by Pan Ioanid [1].
[1] Doina Păuleanu, Axa Est–Vest. Constanţa – Istorie şi dinamică interculturală, second edition (Constanţa: Fundaţia Pro Arte, 2000), 186–188; eadem, Constanţa. Spectacolul modernităţii târzii. 1878–1928 (Constanţa: Muzeului de Artă Constanţa, 2005), vol. II, 300–305.
Archival sources:
Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Constanţa Branch), Primăria municipiului Constanţa (The Municipality of Constanţa), files starting with 1878.
Păuleanu, Doina, Axa Est–Vest. Constanţa – Istorie şi dinamică interculturală [The East – West Axis. Constanţa – History and Intercultural Dynamics], second edition (Constanţa: Fundaţia Pro Arte, 2000).
Păuleanu, Doina, Constanţa. Spectacolul modernităţii târzii. 1878–1928 [Constanţa. The Show of Late Modernisation] (Constanţa: Muzeului de Artă Constanţa, 2005).