Descriptions of the city
List of travelers and/or locals
Name of traveler |
Date |
Book title |
Pages |
Key words |
Hector de Bearn |
1828 |
Hector de Beam, Quelques souvenirs d'une Campagne en Turquie (Paris, 1828) |
– |
General details |
Hans Christian Andersen |
1841 |
Hans Christian Andersen, Eines Dichters Bazar (Leipzig, 1843) |
– |
General description, streets, population |
Patrick O’Brien |
1853 |
Patrick O’Brien, Journal of a Residence in the Danubian Principalities in the Autumn and Winter of 1853 (London, 1854) |
35–36 |
General description |
Charles Doussault |
1854 |
Charles Doussault, “La Dobrudja”, L'Illustration, no. 591, Paris, 24 June 1854 |
395 |
General description |
Ferdinand Quesnoy |
1854 |
“La Dobrudja. De Varna a Custendje”, L'Illustration, no. 604, 23 September 1854 and no. 605, 30 September 1854, 236 |
– |
General description |
J. D. de Bois Robert |
1855 |
Nil et Danube. Souvenirs d’un touriste. Egypte, Turquie, Crimee, Provinces Danubiennes (Paris: Arnout Ore et Carey, 1855) |
– |
General description |
Camille Allard |
1855 |
Camille Allard, Souvenirs d'Orient. La Dobroutcha (Paris, Charles Douniol, 1859) |
– |
General description |
Henry C. Barkley |
1858 |
Henry C. Barkley, Between the Danube and the Black Sea, or Five Years in Bulgaria (London: John Murray, 1876) |
– |
General description, streets, population |
Bruto Amante |
1887 |
Bruto Amante, La Romania (Rome: Bruto Amante editore, 1888) |
– |
General description, streets, population |