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Descriptions of sanatoriums    EN


The connection of Dobrudja to the Romanian Kingdom after 1895 also secured new advantages to the neighbouring area of Constanţa on the Black Sea coast. An important resort was established on the banks of Lake Techirghiol (Tekirghiol) (1,232 hectares), at 18 kilometres from Constanţa. The quality of the water and the mud made it an important resort for balneary tourism. The first analyses of the water were done earlier, but the resort started to flourish only after 1899, when the commune Techirghiol was declared a resort and a medical establishment was completed. It was a simple building, with four rooms and four wards with 40 beds, plus the bathing outbuildings. The medical establishment was led by Dr N. Sadoveanu, and in that year was already visited by 105 patients [1].

Private houses were soon built and by 1907 there were available for rent 300 rooms with a total of 400–500 beds. Hot and cold baths were provided, but overall hygiene conditions were objectionable. In 1905 the resort was visited by 523 persons and in 1907 by 696 patients. A new sanatorium building, called Clement Popescu, was completed in 1912 [2].


Picture Sanatorium of Techirghiol (1900s)


1] Gabriela Tănase, “Aspecte ale turismului la Techirghiol (1878–1941)”, in vol. Marea Neagră în contextul ascensiunii marilor puteri europene (secolele XIX–XX), edited by Olimpiu Manuel Glodarenco (Craiova: Sitech, 2013), 115–117.

[2]Ibid., 118–119.


Chernbach, N. G., Lacul Techir-Ghiol sau Tuzla-Ghiol şi Sanatoriul Maritim pentru scrofuloşi [The Techir–Ghiol Lake or Tuzla–Ghiol and the Maritime Sanatorium for Scrofulous Patients] (Bucharest: Tipografia G. A. Lăzăreanu, 1896).

Michael, V., Staţiunea balneară Tekir-Ghiol [The Balnear Resort of Tekir–Ghiol] (Bucharest: Institutul de Arte Grafice Carol Gobl, 1907).

Prospect al staţiunii balneare şi climaterice Movila Techirghiol. Singura pe malul Mării Negre şi Lacul Tekirghiol, Judeţul Constanţa [Prospect of the Balnear and Climateric Resort Movila Techirghiol, the Only One on the Coast of the Black Sea and the Tekirghiol, Constanţa County] (Bucharest: Atelierele Grafice Socec, 1924).

Tănase, Gabriela, “Aspecte ale turismului la Techirghiol (1878–1941)” [Aspects of the Tourism at Techirghiol (1878–1941)], in vol. Marea Neagră în contextul ascensiunii marilor puteri europene (secolele XIX–XX), edited by Olimpiu Manuel Glodarenco (Craiova: Sitech, 2013).

Ulieru, George, “Lacul Techirghiol“ [Techirghiol Lake], Analele Dobrogei, 2:2 (April – June 1921).

Ursu, Nicolina, “Mărturii documentare privind începuturile dezvoltării staţiunilor balneare româneşti la Marea Neagră” [Documentary Evidence on the Beginnings of the Development of the Romanian Resorts at the Black Sea], Revista Muzeelor şi Monumentelor. Muzee, 21:10 (1984).
