Selected consuls
Abraham Irwin Bolton (1838–1909)
Abraham Irwin Bolton (1838–1909) served for a period, during the late 1870s and early 1880s, as British vice–consul at Constanţa. Born in Dublin, Bolton graduated from the “Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland” in 1861 and for a decade served as surgeon onboard British military ships quartered in the Eastern Mediterranean and the mouths of the Danube. By 1870 he settled himself at Constanţa and was employed as the physician of the British railway company. He became a respected though controversial personality at Constanţa for his medical techniques, but also as owner as a pharmacy. He served as vice–consul, proconsul and acting consul during the period 1879–1884, and was involved in receiving at Constanţa Romania’s prince, Charles I, during his first visit in Dobrudja [1].
Anatole Magrin
Anatole Magrin was born in 1858 in Arcey, in north–eastern France. He later settled himself at Constanţa and established a famous photo studio. He became the official photographer of the Romanian royal court, and was the author of the first professional pictures of Constanţa. As vice–consul as France, he also mediated for the transfer in the local cemetery of the remains of French soldiers who died in the area during the Crimean War. A famous monument was erected in their memory [2].
[1] Gheorghe Radu Stănculescu, “Abraham Irwin Bolton, un medic şi chirurg englez din Irlanda, stabilit la 1870, în Constanţa (un studiu biografic şi genealogic)”, Analele Dobrogei, new series, 9 (2006–2008), 107–136.
[2] Doina Păuleanu, Constanţa. Spectacolul modernităţii târzii. 1878–1928 (Constanţa: Muzeului de Artă Constanţa, 2005), vol. II, 124–127;
Păuleanu, Doina, Constanţa. Spectacolul modernităţii târzii. 1878–1928 [Constanţa. The Show of Late Modernisation] (Constanţa: Muzeului de Artă Constanţa, 2005).
Stănculescu, Gheorghe Radu, “Abraham Irwin Bolton, un medic şi chirurg englez din Irlanda, stabilit la 1870, în Constanţa (un studiu biografic şi genealogic)” [Abraham Irwin Bolton, an English Physician and Surgeon from Ireland, Settled in 1870 at Constanţa (a Biographical and Genealogical Study)], Analele Dobrogei, new series, 9 (2006–2008), 107–136.