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Committees of the municipality    EN


After the unification of Dobrudja to Romania in 1878, the commune of Constanţa was organised into several services, and such committees were already functional in 1879: the Inner Service, the Service of Public Safety, the Fire Fighters Service, the Technical Service, the Service of the Communal Hospital and of the Municipal Physician [1]. By mid-1890s the municipality consisted of the Secretary, the Accounting and Ascertainment Service, the Civil Registry Office, the Office of the Communal Cashier and of the Perception of Revenues, the Service of Technical Works, the Sanitary Service, the Fire Fighters and Street Cleaning Service [2].

Later, after the rapid growth of the city in early 20th century, according to the chapters of the local budget the municipality paid for 14 different services: the Central Administration, the Sanitary Service, the Veterinary Service, the Hospital Service, the Staff of the Cathedral Church, the Staff of the Vocal Choir, the Fire Fighters Service, the Street Cleaning Service, the Communal Cashier’s Office, the Service of Measures and Weights, the Service of Garage Lines, the Technical Service, the Service of Electrical Lighting, the Gardens Service. However, a different source mentions that the inner organisation of the municipality consisted of an administrative office and an accounting office [3]. For the responsibilities of these services, see the template on Galaţi, as they are to a certain degree similar.


[1] Virgil Coman, “Constanţa la finele anului 1878 – mărturii documentare (II)”, Poliţia impact, August – September 2003, 25; the first regulation of the city is analysed in Idem, “Studiu de caz: Regulamentul pentru administraţia interioară a Constanţei din 1879”, Studii istorice dobrogene, edited by Valentin Ciorbea (Constanţa: Ovidius University Press, 2003), 95–103.

[2] Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale (SJCAN), Fond Primăria municipiului Constanţa, File 25/1895, 2–7.

[3] SJCAN, Fund Primăria municipiului Constanţa, Description of the archival fund, 2–4.




Official site of the Municipality of Constanţa

Archival sources:

Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Constanţa Branch), Primăria municipiului Constanţa(The Municipality of Constanţa), file 25/1895.


Coman, Virgil, “Constanţa la finele anului 1878 – mărturii documentare (II)” [Constanţa at the End of 1878 – Documentary Sources (II)], Poliţia impact, August – September 2003, 25.

Coman, Virgil, “Studiu de caz: Regulamentul pentru administraţia interioară a Constanţei din 1879” [Case Study: The Regulation for the Interior Administration of Constanţa in 1879], Studii istorice dobrogene [Historical Studies on Dobrudja], edited by Valentin Ciorbea (Constanţa: Ovidius University Press, 2003), 95–103.

