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Municipal councils    EN

Town council
Provincial office of city affairs

The organisation of the local administration at Constanţa after 1878 allowed an important role for municipal councils. According to the provisions of Romanian law, Constanţa was organised with the rank of urban commune. The public administration was led by a Communal Council (Consiliu communal), and the actual management of daily problems was entrusted to a mayor (primar). The number of members of the Communal Council varied according to law (five in 1878, nine in 1880). Thus, a large number of persons held the office of member of the municipal councils, due to the political instability at a local and central level (there were 27 terms of mayor at Constanţa over a period of four decades, 1878–1916).




Official site of the Municipality of Constanţa

Archival sources:

Serviciul Judeţean Constanţa al Arhivelor Naţionale (The National Archives, Constanţa Branch), Primăria municipiului Constanţa (The Municipality of Constanţa), files starting with 1878.
