History of industries

The following persons were among the most important industrialists in Burgas in the early 1890s: Ivan Hadjipetrov - agriculture and food industry (mining and milling wheat); Ginev brothers - production of cognac and anisette; Donka Geshanova - production of women's apparel a.o. Samples of goods by these producers Burgas were exhibited and awarded with prizes in the First Bulgarian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition in Plovdiv in 1892. [1]
Factory "Deveko." This is the first pencil factory in the Balkans. Founded in 1925 in Burgas, on the outskirts of the city, by the three sons of one of the most respected booksellers and journalists in the city - Dimitar Velchev. His bookstore was located on "Alexandrovska" street (today this place is the hotel "Bulgaria"). The production of "Deveko" was world class and the quality was achieved with the use of the best materials. Cedar wood, which was used for the productin of the pencils, was brought all the way from San Francisco. The factory traded with Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Cuba, Turkey, Egypt, Syria. In 1937 "Deveko" became a courtier and supplier of Bulgarian royal court.
In 1897 in Burgas "The printing of Christ. B. Velchev" was established, an enterprise renamed in 1900 to: „Printing Brothers Velchev“. [2]
[1] Урумова, Румяна. Участието на населението от Бургаския край в Първото българско земеделско-промишлено изложение в Пловдив през 1892 г. ИМЮИБ XVІ, 1993, с. 294–295; Карайотов, И., Ст. Райчевски, М. Иванов. История на Бургас. От древността до средата на XX в. Бургас, 2011, с. 222.
[2] Карайотов, И., Ст. Райчевски, М. Иванов. История на Бургас. От древността до средата на XX в. Бургас, 2011, с. 224.